For Calculus This site will calculate derivatives and integrals of polynomial and trig functions. It does not show the steps involved, but simply spits out the answer. This site provides an online interactive tutorial on most of the calculus topics that we will cover this year. It also has quizzes that you can take on the different topics. This seems like an excellent site to explore topics if you didn't quite get the info the first time. This site will allow you to take derivatives of functions and it will actually show you and explain the process step by step. This is excellent! However, if you want to do integrals you have to pay a fee and obtain a password. This site it simply a tutorial. It will explain many of the topics that we will cover. It is not very interactive - just kind of like a text book except maybe worded in a way that is easier to understand. This site mainly has links to other calc help sites, but it is organized according to topic. It also has a very basic practice area for taking derivatives. It just gives you a function, asks you to take the derivative and then it displays what the answer should be.
How to study for math This site discusses how to handle the exam, and what will be on the exam for a typical math class. It is written in a humorous form and describes a calculus class, but can certainly be applied for any math class. This site is a continuation of the previous site. It discusses how to study, how not to study, and how to take the exam for math classes.